Welcome to Society of Nepalese Student in Korea (sonsik)

The Society of Nepalese Students in Korea (SONSIK), a nonprofit organization, is the sole and registered student organization of Nepali students, academicians and intellectuals in the Republic of Korea. The Society was established in 2004 and was legally registered under the local Administration Office of Republic of Korea in 2015, with an objective to promote academic, professional and other mutual interests through a wider, regular and more frequent exchange of ideas and views among the Nepali students studying in different academic institutions throughout South Korea.

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Message From the President


Dear all,


I’d like to welcome all of you, bona fide members of Society of Nepalese Students in Korea (SONSIK), the official organization of all Nepalese students studying in South Korea. First of all, let me express my inmost gratitude for entrusting me to be the president of this prestigious group, SONSIK. To my seniors, fellow students and friends, I am sincerely thankful for your support which has opened an opportunity for me to serve you.

Being a member of SONSIK for several years now, I’ve learned a great deal of life long lessons. One of those is the importance of working together. As Helen Keller once said, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” The same thought resonates in me whenever I look at the SONSIK movement in South Korea. Working together can definitely bring us to a higher level of cooperation through active participation by each member. In the quest of reaching our common goal, that is to provide an environment wherein, we, Nepalese students can thrive together. So, how are we going to achieve this? There are three things that I’d like to propose: communication, transparency and fellowship.

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Recent News

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    SONSIK Place Information (November)

    It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page.It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page.

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  • 20

    Nepal Cultural and Friendship Day-2017

    It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page.It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page.

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